Services & Topics
From consulting and strategy development to implementation and support, I offer a set of services that can help you relate better with technology.
Personal Consulting & Coaching
I can walk you through any concerns you have with your technology, provide product recommendations, and offer general guidance and support whenever technology might be frustrating. Help is available in person, by phone or over email.
Online Security and Safety
A review of what you need to do to keep your information safe while navigating and having a presence online. I can help with password strategies and management, software and hardware solutions, and ways to prevent identity theft.
Web Marketing for Small Businesses
Depending on the needs of your business and the budget you have in mind, I can assist in creating and deploying a plan that best suits you.
Some of the tools that would be reviewed would be Search Engine Optimization, Social Media presence and Email Marketing. Research is also involved in the process as these methods and technologies are innovating.
Web Design
Establishing a website consisting of information and images pertaining to your goods or services. Making sure to describe your business, offerings and contact info. Additional features like contact forms, social media feeds and a blog are options.
This is perfect for artist portfolio sites, doctors offices, law firms, various private practices, instructors of private lessons and to showcase freelance services.
$35 Hourly Rate
The base rate for any help you need for small tasks, consulting and general assistance from the services I provide that fits within an hour or two of support.
Prices & Plans
If you need help thats more on call, a pricing plan can be tailored to your needs. This can involve weekly, bi-weekly and monthly agreements to cover the windows of support needed.
Per Project
If you need a Website designed or a Web Marketing Campaign established, a flat rate for your specific project could be a better fit. Prices start at $500, depending on the technologies used and their installation.